
Coffee that enriches the ground it grows on

When the Gurjer family inherited the stunning Sethuraman Estate in Magundi 200 years ago with it's sprawling vegetation, lush fruit trees and peacocks cooing in the dense green, they knew they were standing at the precipice of something special.

What they didn’t know is that six generations later, Nishant Ramesh Gurjer, one of their own, would convert the farm into an enterprise that produces one of the world’s finest hand-harvested organic luxury robustas presented to the world as Kaapi Royale some day,

And Kaapi Royale doesn’t just live up to the word “organic”, it embodies it. 

We subvert the toxic mass-production model by easing into the philosophy of  “Do no harm”. Grown in the cool canopy of the native trees, the robusta doesn’t just soak in the flavour and the goodness around it, it also makes ample space for the enrichment of the surrounding bird and animal life. One of our greatest triumphs has been watching the once lost Emperor Peacock butterflies of the region find their way back to the estate because of our healthy practices. From squirrels to quails and the occasional Sambar deer, every living thing around is treated as a moving part integral to the beating heart of the plantation.

For over seven years now, we have been substituting all-natural items like neem and clove for synthetic pesticides or herbicides and. Everything, from nutrients that go into crafting this tasteful, supercharged robusta to the packaging it reaches your home in is organic.

So when you’re brewing your next cup of Kaapi Royale and hearing birds break the morning to your slice of the world, know that you’ve made a choice that will help them go on singing for longer.